Wednesday, May 26, 2010

???????? okay. wtf.

upset also don't know who to tell. pffft.

think i just got brushed off.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

why?????? pay me late, don't you think i need money to survive too? want me to stay half an hour longer for exams, i don't mind. in fact i didn't even charge the extra. but i hate hate hate late payments. i have bills too..and a fire-breathing mother who hounds me for money all the time..

why are ppl so selfish? it really sucks to be poor

i just need some understanding............................................

Friday, May 21, 2010


pmsy..I feel terrible..rawr

Thursday, May 20, 2010


after years and years of battling constant eye infections, I went to consult many specialists..

the conclusion is..I have eyelid disease..BOO

it's nothing life threatening, at least it's external, but apparently it's a chronic condition so I probably will have eye infections on off for years..damn!!

it's really troublesome, some days my eyes are find while some days it's red and horrible looking when I wake up. I constantly feel like there's sand in my eye and it smarts..ouch man!

and I have to clean my eyelids with some wash like twice a day, very troublesome!

please........go away!
-_- I swear, vow and proclaim that I will never rush into a hairdresser's and go for a haircut just because the weather is hot..

on wed I couldn't take it while walking home because I was melting and I cut like what..6 inches off?? I hate my hair now =( it was slightly past my waist before that and now it's just URGH!!

I know it feels a whole lot lighter and less hassle but I look terrible..ahhh!